Sunday, May 24, 2009

And the idealist who saved it...

"Trust not, want not, hurt not"... a self styled cynic said this to me a while back. "Don't trust the government... politicians will bring our downfall. Don't trust the drug companies... everything's pretty much adulterated. Don't expect great success and happiness from your job. I should know, i hate mine. Don't dream big... it hurts when they are crushed beneath you. Don't believe you're going to end up with your current partner. Chances are, you will outgrow each other soon enough. Don't do any of these things, and you stand a shot at being happy."
Happy? Since when did always playing it safe become a by-word for being content? What's wrong with taking risks and living a little? With refusing to accept your lot and doing whatever it takes to change it? Passion unbridled, even if destructive, is still a sign of life. "I'd rather be let down by my expectations than lose sight of them," I returned, ever the idealist.
He smiled at me. And shook his head.
Naive, naive, naive.
And like an annoying little tune that refuses to get out of your head, it's circling me constantly, reminding me that my years (or lack of them) have so far spared me what i fear the most... the inevitable demise of hope. And for that, I'm truly thankful.
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